Thursday, August 1, 2019

How to check your B.Ed Certificate valid/approved or not ?

Go to the below link- 

Form fill up details

1st step :
In 1st step fillup your domiceld/ address details. 

2nd step :
B.Ed details. Be careful about filling these portion.
3rd step :
Education details from Madhyamik to PG

4th step :
Upload your Photo and Signature

5th step :
 Payment .
A online payment option will arrive. After successful payment you will be given a receipt.

Within 2 or 3 weeks a certificate will arrive with your signature and picture.

A model of certificate is given below :

Thank you for being with us. Visit for more details. SSC English 9- 12 (Study notes/ Question-answer/ or any kind of help on the subject matter).

60 MCQ from the short story Lagoon

 Certainly! Here are 100 multiple-choice questions with answers based on the short story "The Lagoon": 1. What is the setting of &...